Even and Odd Numbers

Concept Explanation

Even and Odd Numbers

Even numbers: The numbers which are exactly divisible by 2 or leave the remainder as 0 when divided by 2 are called even numbers. So, we can say that a number with 0,2,4,6,8 at the ones place is an even number. Even numbers can be positive or negative.

Odd numbers: The numbers which are not exactly divisible by 2 or leave the remainder as 1 when divided by 2 are called odd numbers. So, we can say that a number with 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 at the ones place is an odd number. Like even numbers odd numbers can also be positive or negative.

Note: 1. Sum/Difference of even numbers is always even.

2. Sum of odd numbers is always odd.But the difference of odd numbers may or may not be odd. For example, 13 and 15 are odd numbers but their difference i.e. 2 is an even number.

3. Product of two even numbers is always an even number.

4. Product of two odd numbers is always an odd number.

5. Sum of one even and one odd number is always an odd number.

Illustration: Find the odd numbers from the following numbers.

1425, 252, 85986, 12359

Solution: As 252, 85986 has 2, 6 at their unit place respectively, hence both these numbers are even numbers. As 1425, 12359 have 5, 9 at their unit place respectively, hence both these numbers are odd numbers.

Illustration: Which of the following is an even number?

123,-  2356, 1279, 12365

Solution: As  - 2356 is exactly divisible by 2, hence it is an even number.

Illustration: Which of the following is an odd number?

- 965, 8596, 52632, - 75444

Solution: As  - 965 leaves 1 as remainder, hence it is an odd number.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Choose the odd number from the following numbers.

5656, 656, 5556, 6665

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

From the first five multiples of 5, which are even numbers?

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Find the even number from the following numbers.

1231, 8989, 889, 14546

Right Option : C
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